Our first project took place in a small alleyway (Ionic Street) nestled between the bustling Samson and 20th Street. While those two streets received thousands of pedestrians every day, the alley was mostly abandoned, only frequented by the workers of the building in the rear of the alley. It was littered with garbage, and the artwork that once decorated the poles in the alley were faded and discolored. But we saw an opportunity that could not be ignored, a decisive step in our ultimate goal to beautify our city.
We gathered a clean up crew and emptied the alleyway of all garbage, leaving it a clean, fresh canvas.
Then our artists (some talented and truly skilled, some fumbling with their paintbrushes but nonetheless enthusiastic) began to bring their vision to life. The poles, one stroke at a time, transformed into a sea of art (literally). We adopted an ocean theme of blue and white and the poles sported seaweeds, boats, buoys and whales. To add a unique touch, we also painted a few poles with eye-catching sunsets and flowers.
As we watched the alley transform before our eyes, we also witnessed a change in our fellow Philadelphians. The pedestrians who often rushed past the alley, were slowing down their footsteps. Many halted to complete stops, spectating curiously. Some asked to take pictures. A few conversed with us and inquired about our project.
Those were priceless reactions! We sincerely hope that this project, and the many more that will follow, will spark a city-wide conversation about taking care of our city.
Let’s keep Philadelphia beautiful!
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